About: Gläser

Recent Posts by Gläser

Green ICT @ FMD

»Green ICT @ FMD« is a project initiated by the Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland (FMD) and funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to reduce the CO2 footprint of information and communication technology…

Polyteknik AS opens subsidiary in Dresden

The Danish EFDS member company Polyteknik AS opened its German subsidiary in November. The deposition system manufacturer from near Aalborg in Jutland is launching in Dresden. Polyteknik AS is a medium-sized family owned business. Due to…

WIKA Group corporate profile

Ready for the future with “Smart in sensing” The WIKA Group is a global market leader in pressure and temperature measurement. The company also sets the standard in the measurement of level, force and flow, and…

Trade fair survey EFDS joint stand

You have the opportunity to present your company and your products at the joint EFDS stands. Use this unique platform to generate new customers and orders, or to further expand your network. On this page you…

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