Cornet / IGF International

CORNET means Collective Research Networking and facilitates transnational collaborative research projects. The CORNET network, coordinated by the AiF, involves ministries and project management agencies from currently seven European countries and regions. The initiative links national and regional community research programmes from different countries to enable international research projects for the benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises. Two rounds of calls are organised each year.

  • Pre-competitive and open to new topics
  • International cooperation in CORNET

Cornet as a funding option of the IGF

Within the framework of the call for proposals, project consortia consisting of business associations and research institutions from at least two participating countries or regions can submit applications for collaborative research projects. The funding of the projects follows the rules of national or regional funding.

Close contact of each project partner with its respective research association, e.g. the EFDS, is required.