Complementary funding through other programmes

Announcement of call for tenders “Leading technologies for the energy transition”


The IGF’s “Lead Technologies” funding option is entering the next round: particularly systemically relevant, broad-based projects on the topic of the energy transition can be submitted. In particular, they should sustainably strengthen the international competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the respective sector(s). The projects must deal with one or more lead technology(ies) in the field of the energy transition. In particular, the topics “energy supply”, “energy infrastructure for transportation and storage”, “energy use”, “energy efficiency”, “energy system and system integration” are in demand.

As part of the current announcement, you can submit applications for funding in the area of “Leading technologies of the energy transition” from 03.06.2024 to 26.07.2024 (8 weeks).

All further information can be found on the IGF portal at Over this link you can also find further downloads and frequently asked questions.

EFDS is happy to support projects relating to thin-film technologies for the energy transition. If you would like to submit a project for this funding program, please contact us and submit your project outline to the EFDS office at by 14.06.2024.

“Digital Now” - funding for the digitalization of SMEs


We would like to draw your attention to a funding opportunity for SMEs on the subject of digitalization. Here, companies can apply for investment grants via the BMWK.

In today’s world of work and business, digital technologies and know-how are decisive for the competitiveness and future viability of companies. To enable SMEs to exploit the economic potential of digitalization, the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) supports small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with the “Digital Now – Investment Promotion for SMEs” programme. The program offers financial grants and is intended to encourage companies to invest more in digital technologies and employee training.

Further information can be found here:

Announcement to project funding for energy transition


auch in diesem Jahr fördert das BMWK erneut IGF-Vorhaben im Bereich der Energiewende über die in der IGF-Richtlinie vom 21. Dezember 2022 vorgesehene Variante „Leittechnologien für KMU“. Beachten Sie bitte dazu die anliegende Bekanntmachung.

Im Rahmen der aktuellen Bekanntmachung können Sie Anträge bis zum 09.06.2023 über die EFDS bei der AiF über ELANO (Fördervariante: Leittechnologien) einreichen.

Für weitere Informationen stehen Ihnen die EFDS Geschäftsstelle ( oder 0351 8718370), wie im angehängten Schreiben ausgeführt die AiF (Herr Martin Krauße,; 0221 37680-318) sowie das BMWK gern zur Verfügung.

Rundschreiben Bekanntmachung [PDF]

Link zur AiF Webseite

Good news for SMEs: ZIM application possible again


In the 2022 federal budget and as part of the government’s draft for the 2023 budget, the German government sent a clear positive signal for the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

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30th call for proposals of the transnational funding network IraSME

Since 3 August 2022, the Central Innovation Programme for SMEs (ZIM) of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) has again been open to applicants and is thus also available as a funding instrument for SMEs based in Germany and cooperating research institutions in the current 30th IraSME Call.

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BMBF guideline for funding "preliminary scientific projects" on fundamental issues in quantum technologies and photonics

21.07.2022 – 31.01.2024

The new funding line “Scientific Preliminary Projects” (WiVoPro) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is intended to act as a link between basic research and application-oriented work in industry-led research associations. The functional principle of new technologies in the field of photonics and second generation quantum technology will be demonstrated and their feasibility proven. These achievements are to be continued in industrial development work, for which separate funding programmes are available for application-oriented research projects in photonics and quantum technology. BAnz from 21.07.2022

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BMWK guideline promotes knowledge transfer in the thematic area "Novel photonic tools for industry and society - laser-based high-energy beam sources" in industry

20.07.2022 – 30.06.2024

The new funding programme “Quantum Systems – Developing Cutting-Edge Technology” of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) makes a valuable contribution to the transfer of innovative photonics research results in the field of “Novel photonic tools for industry and society – laser-based high-energy beam sources”. BAnz from 20.07.2022

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