
The EFDS sees itself as a technical and scientific innovation platform for surface and thin-film technology. For 30 years, we have maintained contact with all major universities, colleges and research institutions – increasingly also in Europe. We are a member of the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations AiF e. V. and are an authorized research association for the application of joint industrial research projects. Together with our members and partners, we form a strong network for industrial collaborative research in surface and thin film technology.

Research needs strong partners

Research and development with EFDS

Relieve your R&D budget and support your R&D department through

  • Technical expertise in your R&D projects
  • Publicly funded projects – e.g. by BMWK/DLR project management organization; BMBF or EU
  • Synergies through several research partners working focused on one project and contributing their individual know-how
  • Actively influence research projects through exclusive participation in EFDS technical committees