The advisory board of the EFDS

Tasks and functions of the advisory board

The advisory board is an independent body of the EFDS. It currently consists of 16 members. They are representatives from research and industry who are active in the field of thin-film technology. The advisory board’s activities focus on reviewing research projects of the EFDS’s Industrial Cooperative Research (IGF) as well as providing active supportive advice in finding topics for scientific events (workshops, tutorials, etc.).

Chairman of the Advisory Board
Dr. Ulrich May
Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart
Advisory Board Member
Prof. Dr. André Anders
Leibniz Institute of Surface Engineering (IOM)
Advisory Board Member
Prof. Dr. Peter Awakowicz
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, AEPT
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Ralf Bandorf
Fh Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films (IST) Braunschweig
Advisory Board Member
Marian Böhling
FHR Anlagenbau GmbH Ottendorf-Okrilla
Advisory Board Member
Prof. Dr. Frank Brückner
Fh Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) Dresden
Advisory Board Member
Prof. Maik Fröhlich
West Saxon University of Applied Sciences Zwickau
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Marcus Günther
Robert Bosch GmbH Stuttgart
Advisory Board Member
Andrè Hieke
IHI Ionbond AG Venlo, NL
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Manuela Junghähnel
Fh Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM) Moritzburg
Advisory Board Member
Prof. Dr. Miroslaw Miller
Intern. Laboratory of High Magnetic Fields and Low Temperatures Wroclaw, Polen
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Jakob Schilling
COTEC GmbH Karlstein am Main
Schulze, Marcel
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Marcel Schulze
SENTECH Instruments GmbH Berlin
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Michael Stüber
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Jonas Sundqvist
AlixLabs AB, Lund Sweden; TECHCET LLC CA, San Diego, USA
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Denis Kurapov
Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG Balzers, Liechtenstein
Advisory Board Member
Dr. Christian Schindler
Bühler Alzenau GmbH Business Area Leybold Optics Competence Center Leipzig, Germany