
Below you will find an initial overview of the conference programme currently being planned.


Please note that there may be delays in the timetable. The publication of the detailed programme is planned for March 2025.

Thank you for your understanding.

The conference contents will be

Rapid changes in the Earth’s climate and increasingly important geopolitical considerations have led to an urgent need for the introduction of self-sufficient sustainable energy technologies in Europe. Surface and plasma technologies play a key role here, ranging from hydrogen and battery technologies to plasma-based chemical synthesis and photovoltaics. This session will therefore provide an overview of the relevant approaches in these and adjacent areas.

Main Topics
Surface engineering, plasma technologies, energy storage and convertion, battery & hydrogen technologies, photovoltaics, solar thermal applications, plasma based synthesis

Target Group
Technologists, technology scouts of companies, academic researchers, development service providers, surface engineers

Tutorial Committee
Dr. Jörg Neidhardt
, Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP, Dresden, Germany;
Dave Doerwald, IHI Hauzer Techno Coating B.V., The Netherlands;
Adam Obrusnik, PlasmaSolve s.r.o., Czech Republic;
Fabian Fertig, Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH, Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Germany

Surface coatings often determine the utility value of tools and components. Hard coatings on tools improve the speed and quality of mechanical machining. Super-lubricating coatings reduce friction losses of sliding components, making them economical and environmentally friendly. Innovative surface solutions can replace critical materials. The workshop with expert speakers from research and industry offers a look behind current solutions in surface technology.

Main Topics
Coating solutions for tools and components, technological insights, surface analytics, materials

Target Group
Technologists, designers, developers and users from mechanical engineering-, automotive- and aerospace industries as well as tool makers and coating providers

Tutorial Committee
Dr. Otmar Zimmer
, Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology IWS, Dresden, Germany;
Philipp Immich, IHI Hauzer Techno Coating B. V., Venlo, The Netherlands;
Klaus Böbel, Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG, Balzers, Liechtenstein;
Dr. Christian Kalscheuer, IOT at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

The aim is to present innovative technologies in the field of optics, optoelectronics and integrated photonics and their industrial applications in order to demonstrate their potential for future business strategies and production processes in the coating industry. Innovations in optoelectronics and integrated photonics are revolutionising coating technology by enabling more precise, efficient and optically active coatings that open up new dimensions of performance in applications such as sensors, energy-efficient surfaces and highly sensitive optical systems.

Main Topics
Coatings for high-performance optics, optoelectronics, integrated photonics, Ion beam sputtering/figuring, Epitaxie, surface preparation, cleaning/purification

Target Group
Scientist, engineers and technicians working in coating technologies or optical system or microelectronic/semiconductor, development and production.

Tutorial Committee
Dr. Sven Schröder
, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering IOF, Jena, Germany;
Dr. Mathias Mende, Edmund Optics GmbH, Mainz, Germany;
Dr. Wenko Süptitz, Industrieverband SPECTARIS, Berlin, Germany

Plasma based surface treatment processes play an important role in many areas of life science- and bio-technologies. All such surfaces share their demands on customers safety, biocompatibility, functionality, mechanical resilience and durability. Innovative approaches are needed e.g. for the development of innovative implants or sustainable processing of plant raw materials and residues, in food processing, hygiene or surface sterilization. Such plasma treatments, especially for antimicrobial surface, are not limited to bio- and med-tech applications, but may also be used for the treatment of hospital wastewater or the self-disinfection of surfaces and articles in clinical environments.

Main Topics
Implant Coatings, Plasma Surface Treatments, Additive Manufacturing, Plasma Applications, Tribology, Surfaces, Coatings, Antimicrobial, Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, Foodtechnology

Target Group
Systems and Mechanical Engineering, Surface & Microsystems Technology, Biotechnology

Tutorial Committee
Dr. Frank Hempel
, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology e.V. (INP), Greifswald, Germany;
Dr. Canet Acikgoz, Oerlikon Surface Solutions AG, Balzers, Liechtenstein;
Harald Holeczek, MEDICOAT AG, Mägenwil, Switzerland

Information on this workshop will be available here shortly.

Tutorial Committee
Dr. Matthias Fahland
, Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP, Dresden, Germany
Filip Legein, Europlasma NV, Oudenaarde, Belgium

Scientists present current development results of their research projects, which are accompanied by the European Society of Thin Films and its expert committees. The contents are relevant across all V2025 workshops. Collaborative industrial research projects are funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK) based on a resolution of the German Bundestag.

Main Topics
You will gain an insight into diverse research projects that are / were supervised by the EFDS.

Tutorial Committee
Dr. Katrin Ferse,
European Society of Thin Films (EFDS e.V.), Dresden, Germany

Information on this Special will be available here shortly.

TUTORIAL »Sustainability in Surface Engineering«

Challenges for coating technology: What is sustainability, what are the regulatory requirements and how is the CO2 equivalent calculated? How to optimize CO2 emissions by choosing the right surface treatment and coating tool, the right materials and optimal processes. Questions we would like to discuss in this workshop. For your company, sustainability means thinking and acting for the long term. At least two aspects of sustainability must be taken into account in surface technology. Surface technology and surface treatments can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the products and systems that rely on them. On the other hand, the application of surface technologies also has an impact on the environment. It is important to understand the quantitative value on a CO2 equivalent basis for a system and technology. What can be done to reduce the CO2 equivalent of surface treatment technologies?

Main Topics
Challenges for coating technology: What is sustainability, what are the regulatory requirements and how is the CO2 equivalent calculated? How to optimize CO2 emissions by choosing the right surface treatment and coating tool, the right materials and the right processes. Questions we would like to discuss in this workshop.

Target Group
Design engineers, process engineers and also newcomers to the topic of „sustainability“ from the areas of coating systems and manufacturers of vacuum toolmaking systems and users

External venue at Fraunhofer FEP, Dresden
The event will take place at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP in Winterbergstraße 28, Dresden.

Tutorial Committee
Uwe Heydenreich, TRUMPF Hüttinger + Co. KG, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany,
Prof. Dr. Stephan Krinke, Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST, Technische Universität Braunschweig

Please note that the tutorial is not an integral part of V2025 and your participation requires additional registration. 

Organisation of the V2025

Conference Organisation

European Society of Thin Films e.V. (EFDS)

V Committee

Uwe Heydenreich, TRUMPF Hüttinger + Co. KG, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany

Prof. Dr. Udo Klotzbach, EFDS e.V., Dresden, Germany

Dr. Jörg Neidhardt, Fraunhofer FEP, Dresden, Germany

Dr. Otmar Zimmer, Fraunhofer IWS, Dresden, Germany

Anja Härtel, EFDS e.V., Dresden, Germany



Begin: October 13, 2025
End: October 16, 2025
Event category: EFDS-Event


Dresden, International Congress Center Dresden
Ostra-Ufer 2
Dresden, Saxony
01067 Germany


European Society of Thin Films
Telephone: +49 351 / 871 83 70